
Inner Development als Projektdimension

In der Immobilienwirtschaft wird der Produktivitätsfaktor "Bewusstsein" selten berücksichtigt. Bisher sollte man sich innerhalb von meist starren Organisationen nur quantitativ optimieren. Qualitative Mind Shifts wurden nicht gefördert. Dieser rein rationale Ansatz sollte für Stabilität sorgen. Im Frühjahr 2022 bringen Versorgungsunterbrechungen überraschende Instabilität in die Baubranche. Seitdem wird Disruption zur Dauerturbulenz.

Geist und Unternehmensphilosophie


Klarheit und Weisheit
in der Projektentwicklung

In der Zeitenwende hat für Entwickler die Stunde Null begonnen. In dieser Zeit der Wandlung ist die innere Ausrichtung entscheidend: Inner Development bringt Klarheit und Weisheit in der Projektentwicklung. Orientierung liefert der Managementansatz KaiZen. Hier geht es nicht um schnelle Erfolge, sondern um innere Haltung.

Die Wirtschaftsliteratur und universitären Lehrstühle zum KaiZen sind international populär: KaiZen stellt nicht Ergebnisse, sondern Prozesse in den Fokus. Mit achtsamen Schritten zur kontinuierlichen Projektveredelung. Erfolg mit KaiZen erfolgt durch täglich verfeinerte Qualitätsphilosophie. In einer dogmenfreien Projektkultur. Unser Zen Project vernetzt den technischen Einblick mit dem philosophischen Weitblick. Inspiriert von Lao Tse sind Baumeister-Tugenden das geistige Projektfundament. Zen ist keine Methode, sondern kompetente Achtsamkeit. Als Präsenz im täglichen Work Flow. Beständige Best Practise im Context Flow des Wandels: Ein fließender Geist hat in der Marktveränderung stetige Beweglichkeit. Dies schafft Tempovorsprung mit Leichtigkeit.

Das Höhere im Menschen, sein geistiges Innerstes, sollte sich im Inneren eines Bauwerks entfalten. Dann zeigt sich geistige Haltung im Inneren eines Bauwerks in seiner äußeren Form. Baumeister lassen durch Formen die innere Ausrichtung formen. Solche Räume werden mit höherer Ordnung gebaut. Edle Baukunst manifestiert sichtbar reine Schöpfung. Dann sind Zahl und Maß sowie Proportion und Nutzung in Harmonie. Spirituelle Architektur ist Öffnung nach oben. Für die höhere Bauaufgabe. Für kraftvolle Gestimmtheit auf allen Ebenen.

„Die Baubranche steht in der Zeitenwende vor ihrer größten Transformation. Fachwissen allein reicht in Zeiten der Multi-Umbrüche nicht mehr aus. Geist ist die starke Führungs-Kraft im Umgang mit eskalierten Unsicherheiten. Ein klarer, weil ruhiger Geist, führt mit Weisheit und Weitsicht. Die zukünftige Kernkompetenz in disruptiven Märkten ist Geist. Bewusstsein im Projekt optimiert resilientes Mind Design. Als geistiges Fundament für agiles Development Design.“

Matthias Walter
Zen Head of Development

Resilienzschlüssel von Lao tse

Die 12 Baumeister-Tugenden



“The work efficiency of Zen is like water flowing around rocks. Do not use the rational straight-line approach. That usually ends up short-circuiting natural laws of harmony. Act with an inner sensitivity of the natural rhythm of Work Flow. Work Flow means that you have the quality of water: Work with what is, not against what is. Life is lived only now. Now is the only reality. Be now and you have become truly realistic. Everything else is just a story, imagined by thoughts.”



“The supreme good at work is like water, which nourishes all things without trying to. It is content with the low places that people disdain. Thus, it is like the Tao. In dwelling, live close to the ground. In thinking, keep to the simple. In conflict, be fair and generous. In governing, don’t try to control. In work, do what you enjoy. When you are content to be simply yourself. Don’t compare or compete and you have found your destiny. Then fulfillment is rooted in just being.”



“There is nothing wrong in planning or wishing in Business. Only when you make your happiness dependent on certain outcomings, it will become a trap. Fulfillment does not happen in a planned future. Fulfillment happens only here and now. Being really now in the ongoing dimension of the present is much larger than conceived by your mind. When you no longer believe what your mind thinks, you recognize that you are not the thinker. You as consciousness are watching thinking.”



“Nature does not play favorites. It regards its creations without sentimentality. The wise person also acts in this way. Practice non-action. And yet do the right things. Work without doing. Yet do the things right. Allow to be lived by life without any resistance. This is perfection in letting go. Then you will have best results in your work. Creativity unfolds the best, when we act in an inner space of openness. Just do your very best in your job. And then let go with an inner smile.”



Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don't resist them. That only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality as is. Let things stream naturally forward in whatever way they flow. This is building an inner home of trust while life is unfolding as a mystery. Those who flow with the stream of life need no additional outcomes. Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished naturally. Be like water. Flowing with the stream of life. Then you are truly alive.“



“If the wind of change blows, you can either build walls or mills. Be still and intuitive intelligence is your best advisor. Step back from your mind and understand beyond thinking. Be mentally still and insights beyond thinking happen. Respond intelligently outside the mind box. Be fully present. Do your best without a personal agenda interfering. You can test it: Your doing is complete, if you are fully present with what is. The power of now is the power of life. It is a blessing.”



“Good Samurai fighters are never angry. The source for frustration is never a certain situation. The reason for unhappiness is our attitude towards a certain constellation. It’s the desire of wanting something else. The moment you just see the facts without becoming personally involved, you are out of the dream and its limitations. Then you can work without a personal agenda. When your business approach is not personal, you act freely and intelligently with best clarity.”



Act without expectation: Loss is not as bad as wanting more. Rushing without gentleness you stop the flow. Starting without awareness, you fail. Trying to grasp things because you fear the loss, you lose them. Forcing a project to fast completion, you ruin what was almost ripe. This is the inner turn around: Creating without claiming. Doing without complaining. Leading without interfering. Working without pushing. And living without demanding. This is primal virtue.”



„How can one become free from the pressure of time at work? Understand that your life is only happening now. If you are depressed, you are living in the past. If you are anxious, you are living in the future. If you are at peace, you are living in the present. The emotional desire for happiness creates a future, because future promises the better. However, a good future is created by living our best potential now. Your best future is shaped by being the best and doing the best now.”



“We hammer wood to build a house. But it is the inner space that makes it livable. We focus on action. Yet being is the dimension of fulfillment. A peaceful inner reality belongs to those who let go. The great way to do is simply to be. If you do not cling to any desire, your inner world is at peace. When you do not even cling to inner peace, you are complete. Easy is, what is right. And right is, what is easy. Simplicity is easiness at work. You can’t work on it. You can only live it.”



“While the silent mind listens to a bird singing, the active mind wonders what kind of bird is singing. The Zen Man does nothing at work, yet he leaves nothing undone. The business man is always doing things, yet many more are left to be done. He who defines himself can't know who he really is. He who has power over others can't empower himself. Instead of having power over things allow the power of now: Sitting silently, spring comes. And the grass grows by itself.”



“If you have the feeling that everything seems to fall apart, stay calm. It’s just a new constellation in the evolution of life. What the caterpillar calls the end, the mystery of life calls the transformation into a butterfly. When you let go of what you think you are, you will become what you truly are. When the personal drama of work dominates thinking, just stop thinking. Be mentally still and you are clear. In this mental stillness intelligence unfolds above thinking.”

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